Memorial Day Weekend Relaxation

My husband and I were planning to go the the beach this weekend to celebrate memorial day weekend with my family as well as my moms birthday, however we decided to stay put here in Greenville because the weatherman was calling for horrible weather. Unfortunately, the weather folks were completely wrong and it ended up being a beautiful weekend at the beach but that's okay because we are headed to the beach this weekend to do a little belated birthday celebrating for my momma! I think almost all of my family will be there, which always means a wild and crazy time! 

Since we decided to stay in Greenville for the weekend, it meant lots of quality time together. We also spent some time running errands, shopping, boating, cleaning, napping and enjoying downtime which rarely happens at our house. After being in Chicago for 4 days, it was nice to relax and have no agenda. 

Saturday we decided to go on the boat in the Tar River and then head down to Little Washington. Robert fished all day and I took time to read, rest and sleep. I also fished a little bit but got frustrated when I didn't catch anything. The saying "You never know how many friends you have until you have a boat or a beach house" is very true! Don't get me wrong, we love to have people on our boat and its one of the main reasons we got it, to have fun with friends and family, however, it was really nice to just have some time together, just the two of us on the boat. Here are a few pictures from our day on the water: 

Panoramic View of the River headed to Washington

Robert Fishing!  

Downtown Waterfront in Washington

I used to not care about sun damage. Now I am a freak about it, Hence the big hat!

Princess Fishing- AKA- I dont bait the hook or take fish off the hook! :)

On Sunday, we woke up and decided to head to Church! I grew up Episcopalian and have always loved a traditional service. However, for whatever reason, finding an Episcopal church here in Greenville was difficult for us and we just never really felt like we were at "home". So, about 2.5 years ago we made a New Years Resolution that we would work to try and find a church and also make it a priority to attend at least 2 services a month. This was a big step for us seeing how prior to that, our church life had been non-existent. Not because we didn't have a relationship with the Lord, but because we were just not making going to church a priority. That's when we found Covenant Church. It has been such a blessing to be a part of Covenant and I am thankful everyday that I opened my mind and let go of the "need" for a traditional Episcopalian service.  Needless to say, we have been much more than two Sundays a month and I now hate to miss a single service. I have learned so much in the short 2.5 years we have been attending and I cant wait to learn more. I will likely blog about this from time to time because my relationship with the Lord is a huge part of who I am and I don't think you would get an accurate depiction of my life if I didn't include it. 

Sunday afternoon we decided to be extremely lazy and watch a movie and nap. I lasted all of 20 minutes before falling asleep during the movie (typical, I did this as a child as well). Here is a picture of Grady and me napping.


For those of you who don't know, Grady is our chocolate lab and he will make an appearance on here often as he is our baby and our lives wouldn't be the same without him!  Grady being allowed to nap on the couch may end though in the next few weeks as Robert and I finally splurged and bought all new den furniture. It takes about 6-8 weeks to get it in, so hopefully by mid June we will have it! Look for a post in the next few weeks about that experience! I am having serious anxiety about keeping Grady off the couch (I don't think I can do it!)-- If you have tips about how to keep your sofa clean and your dog off of it, please share!

Monday was a day full of shopping and an awesome recipe that I stumbled upon for supper. I am going to write a short blip about that in another post!


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