
Showing posts from 2012

Text Message....

I just got a text from my godbrother who recently lost his grandmother to breast cancer, and I wanted to share it with yall. Josh said "Not sure if you meant it but in your stuff about lung cancer being forgotten in the last few days, you come off as very... I dont know the best way to put it but the most polite is probably desensitized to breast cancer. I get what you are trying to get across but other might not. It seems very close to, "Forget breast cancer. Thats not even the worst one." Just thought I would let you know so you dont allienate a potential proponent for awareness because they get turned off." I hope you guys dont feel that way. Here's my response, "I'm sorry if it comes across that way and anyone who knows me that I support all types of cancer! I work in cancer care and give every breathing second to cancer in some way. You know I actually admire what the breast cancer movement has done over the past 40 years by increasing survival

The White House is "Pink"... What about LUNG CANCER?

The White House is “Pink” this month, but what will they do for Lung Cancer Awareness in November? NOTHING I’M SURE. Do people even know that November is Lung Cancer awareness month? Unfortunately, I doubt it. Sad. Pathetic. Hurtful. Shameful. Stigmatized. Unrecognized. Underfunded. Unimportant to Most. Why? Because everyone thinks that in order to get Lung Cancer you have to smoke, and because you smoke you somehow deserve lung cancer. NO ONE deserves cancer of any kind. Not all smokers get lung cancer and not all lung cancer patients are smokers. Actually 80% of the newly diagnosed are NEVER smokers or former smokers who quit decades ago. ALL cancers deserve the same recognition and awareness that breast cancer gets. We as a society do a disservice to the general public by hyping up breast cancer as much as we do and ignoring all of the other cancers that effect EVERYONE, specifically lung cancer. I’ve said it before but I am going to say it again. Lung Cancer is the NUMBE