Memorial Day Monday

I work in healthcare and often times on days when the rest of the world has the day off, we are expected to be at work or to take PTO. Normally I just decide to go into work because its actually pretty peaceful and I am able to get a lot done compared to normal days when I am constantly interrupted. However, I decided to take PTO this past Monday and I am so thankful that I did. I didn't realize how bad I needed just one extra day to relax and catch up around the house.

Robert and I decided to sleep in late. We don't get to do this often and actually we both were up pretty early because we are so used to being up early. I've been dying to try the new smoothie place called "Juice Vibes"--- believe it or not, this is a big deal for a place like Greenville. There is only one other smoothie place in town and their smoothies are filled with tons of sugar and not a ton of fresh fruit. Juice Vibes has nutrient dense fruit and veggie smoothies and they are awesome!!! I got the "Surfs Up" which has strawberry and pineapple nectar, orange sherbet and strawberry chunks! Yum! If you're in Greenville, you gotta go try it! I can't wait to try Acai Bowls.

In true typical Greenville fashion, we then headed to the good ole Agri Supply as Robert has been searching high and low for a pine cone "picker-upper"--- i'm pretty sure that's not a word, but I don't know what the hell they are called and that's the only way I know to describe it. They had three different kinds to choose from and after a few tests, he picked out a perfect one! Oh the joys of adulthood and picking out pine cone "picker-uppers".

We then headed over to the mall to do a little shopping. Robert is a high school coach and his wardrobe necessities include lots and lots of tennis shoes. He has been on the hunt for a particular pair of grey Asics (believe me, I am just as shocked as you are that he would venture out and want something other than Nike... SHOCKER!) Long story short, we were unsuccessful finding the shoe, so we are still on the hunt. He has to try them on because he hasn't ever worn an Asic and therefore we just want to make sure we have the right size before buying online.

Belk was having an awesome sale on bedding and we have been looking for a nice cotton blanket to use during the summer months. We found this awesome Southern Tide Cotton Blanket and scooped it up. It was on sale for $50, originally $100. We ended up getting the "Green Grass" color, a little out of my comfort zone but Robert loved it and marriage is about compromise, right?  I've also been looking for a new set of sheets that wouldn't break the bank. There is a Facebook site called MICIT that allows users to ask all kinds of questions as they related to home and decor so I posted and asked for recommendations about best brand of sheet sets. I got a ton of suggestions but the two that kept repeating themselves were Costco brand (great....we don't have one of those in Greenville) and Peacock Alley, which apparently you can get at Tuesday Morning. Ding Ding! Greenville actually does have a Tuesday Morning! We walked in and I was immediately overwhelmed. There were so many options to choose from. After several minutes, I made the executive decision that I originally wanted white and although there were all different patterns and options to choose from, I stuck with the white. I am so glad I did.  We couldn't get home fast enough to throw those puppies in the wash and get them on the bed. I am so glad I asked for recommendations and suggestions. They are perfect. Soft and crisp (if they can even be those two things at the same time), deep pockets, cool and fairly priced for "luxury linens". Yay! These past two nights have been amazing! Its funny how much of a difference new sheets and a nice blanket can make! I am so thankful to have the option to spend a few extra dollars to buy new linens and blankets!

Monday night I was struggling with what to make for dinner and I really didn't want to have to go to the grocery store so I opened up the pantry and tried to pull something together. It actually ended up being awesome and Robert loved it so that's always a win! It also made a ton which is always a huge plus because R can take it for leftovers for lunch. He prefers a "hot" lunch as opposed to a "cold lunch"-- true story, these were his exact words to me one day early on in our marriage-- haha! And apparently I'm the one who is high maintenance. JK! Anywhoo, the supper I threw together was "Stuffed Shells" and I randomly found the recipe on Pinterest. I decided to use ground beef instead of sausage because that's what I had in the fridge. I made a Cesar salad and called it a night! We had enough for dinner and lunches for both of us on Tuesday and Wednesday! R has commented several times that he "loved it" so that means I will absolutely be making it again soon!

What are some of your favorite recipes? I am always looking for simple but good options!


  1. Need to get this recipe from you! Your recipes are a hit in our home. Made the saracha meatballs again last night. We LOVE those things!

  2. Yum!!! Yes, I will send this one to you! I need to figure out how to turn on my notifications so I know when I got a comment! I am not being notified when people leave comments! We made this one again last night and it is so yummy! You have to try it!


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