How I met Coach

I was actually playing flag football. I was in a sorority in college and one of my favorite things to do was to play intramural’s with the girls. We would play other sororities and believe it or not, even though it was all supposed to be fun and friendly it could sometimes get a little competitive. And by a little competitive I mean A LOT competitive. I happen to be a fairly athletic sorority girl, as I was a Division 1 soccer player before I joined the sorority, so you can imagine my competitiveness. When I met Coach he was the coach of another sorority’s football team. Being a coach he is also supper competitive but also has an eye for talent and can’t stand to get beat! Well when they played us, I was constantly burning their team and they couldn’t stop me! This ate him up to the point where basically he just made a girl stand next to me the whole time and yell at his girls… “I don’t care what you have to do but DO NOT let her catch or run the ball”. So, it became pretty brutal and in one game I ended up dislocating my middle finger. After the game I had to go to the emergency room to get my finger put back into place. The following week I noticed that Coach was at my game scouting my team and plays because if we won we would play his team in the championship. In the championship game none of the girls in the sorority he was coaching asked me if I was ok but he made a point to come over and ask how my finger was doing. I like to think it was because he actually cared about my finger but now that I think about it, I am pretty sure it was to see if I was going to be able to play in the game against them.
We ended up playing and my team lost but I wasn’t a sore loser and I attempted to tell him good game. As we were walking to the parking lot I got really nervous because I thought he was very cute and I didn’t really know what to say to him so I stumbled and said something to the effect of “goo goo good game” and then I just ran off.  Since football season was over I thought I would probably never see him again. I didn’t know his name or anything else about him. Later that night I got a Facebook friend request and a message from him that said “Good game… but you knew you were going to get beat when they had a coach like me…”  I immediately thought…  this guy is a cocky asshole and I will be damned if he thinks I am going to be his friend on here. I hate losing. Why would I want to be friends with someone who beat me and then had the nerve to talk crap via a Facebook message? So, you know what I did. I ignored him. I didn’t accept his friend request and went on about my business being in college and having a good time.
A few days later I had a change of heart and being a girl that ALWAYS has to have the last word I responded with some witty message that basically said “hey asshole, if you hadn’t told some girl on your team to dislocate my finger two weeks before, maybe I would have been 100% and we could have beat you again”.  It wasn’t those exact words but I wasn’t going to let some guy who I didn’t even know beat me in the championship game and then talk smack to me! I was joking of course and I ended up accepting his friend request. Which turns out to be the best decision I have ever made.
From that night on, we have pretty much been together. 2 days later we went on our first date and a week after that I was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 21. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would meet my husband the way I did and never ever did I think that I would find someone who cared for me like he did. Especially after only knowing him a week and him having to deal with the fact that I was damaged goods with a lung cancer diagnosis.
He has loved me and cared for me like no one ever has. He is the most thoughtful and caring person I have ever met. To say that I am blessed is a complete understatement.
5.5 years later we got married in April! It was a perfect wedding and I couldn’t have pictured anything more beautiful. I am so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with such an amazing man!429


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