Here I go again....

I’ve attempted to start a blog before but then quickly fall off the wagon because “life” gets in the way and I find myself too busy to keep up with it. However, this time I’m hoping its different. A few weeks ago, I realized that a lot of amazing things have happened to me in my short life and they continue to happen but I honestly have no real documentation of them. Well…. I do have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But let’s be real, when I am old, I am going to want remissness and I worry Instagram is going to leave me wishing for more.  I also want to be able to look back on my life and read about and remember all of the amazing and wonderful opportunities that God has blessed me with. I want to be able to share my life with friends and family now, but selfishly, I am starting a blog so that I will be able to one day look back on this crazy thing we call life.

Through this blog, it is my hope that you will learn a little bit about me, my family, my successes, fun, failures, my career, passions, love for the Lord, “Pinterest’s Fails” (I’ve yet to have a successful Pinterest Project), my baking fiasco’s, my incredible husband, my pup, my advocacy work and and everything in between this crazy but wonderful life.

So, here’s to me hopefully keeping it up and blogging my little heart out. I can’t wait to share my life with you!



  1. I had no idea you had a blog! YAY can't wait to follow along! Love you friend! Xoxox


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